What is Self Sufficiency?


In the purest sense of the term, self sufficiency means the ability to survive on only that which you are able to gather, grow, make, or raise on your own. 

Self-sufficient living is the ability and practice of providing for all of your own needs and the needs of your household without outside aid or resources. It relies on a myriad of knowledge and skills, as well as a spirit of independence and motivation. Its attempt is certainly not for everyone, but those who choose it tend to be passionate about their reasons.

Today’s economy is becoming more and more difficult and complicated. The cost of living has sky rocketed and has put a tremendous strain on many households.  Many people find themselves working eighty hours a week just to maintain their lifestyles. They feel trapped by the demands of society and don't see true happiness.  With today's economy, we tend to opt for the quickest solution for our day to day needs. We rely on store bought goods to get us through,  most of us could not survive for long if our supply network broke down.   The number of people who know how to garden, preserve food, raise livestock, and hunt has dwindled over the last 50 to 100 years. We don’t really need to know how to do these things anymore, because we can buy whatever we want, charge it on a credit card and forget the cost to the environment and our sense of self worth.

Becoming more self sufficient doesn’t mean that you need to quit your job, move to the mountains, and live in a shack.  It’s important to make small, reasonable changes in your life and keep at it until those changes become second nature to you.   Only you can determine what level of self sufficiency will work for you.  A well-planned garden can provide your family with the freshest, most nutritious produce, plus a more secure, self-reliant lifestyle.  Yes, it is hard work, but also enjoyable! 

Like the old days say; Anything worth having is worth working for.

I hope these tips have given you some inspiration! Till' next time xo  


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